Clinics We Offer
Chronic Disease Management
The practice nurses run clinics for the management and review of patients’ diabetes, vascular, chest, renal and other conditions.
If you suffer from any of these conditions you will receive a letter of invitation to attend a clinic. These run at various times throughout the week however you don’t need to wait until your invitation to come to the clinic. You can simply book an appointment by contacting reception.
Some of the annual reviews will require you to attend for a blood test prior to being seen in the clinic. The reception team will advise you of the appropriate appointments to make when you contact us.
If you are invited and do not wish to attend for your review, please let reception know, preferably in writing. We will not invite you again for 12 months but you will be invited annually for checks.
Health Promotion
We are pleased to offer our patients a variety of health promotion clinics to encourage and educate them towards a healthier lifestyle.
Treatment Room
Clackmannan Health Centre - Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 8.40am-10.40am
Kincardine Health Centre - Tuesday 8.30am-12.30pm, Thursday 2pm-5pm & Friday 8.30am-4.30pm.
A district nurse can be consulted for wound management, dressings, injections and ear assessments.
Pre-conceptual Counselling and Family Planning
If you are thinking of starting a family and wish to talk to someone about keeping fit and well for baby's sake, please see your doctor in routine surgery or your health visitor.
A full range of family planning services including emergency contraception is available. You may ask your doctor or nurse for advice at any surgery.
IUCD Insertions and Checks
The practices offer a contraceptive coil fitting and annual review service. Please make an initial appointment with a GP to discuss whether or not this may be a suitable contraceptive for you. Details of administering doctors are available from reception.
There are certain GP’s within the practice who offer insertion, removal and replacement of Nexplanon (which has replaced Implanon) contraceptive ‘rods’.
Cervical Smear Tests
We prefer to do these tests ourselves and a doctor or practice nurse of your choice can carry these out. Please inform the receptionist when you are making your appointment that you will be having a smear test. We follow the local policy of performing smear tests every three years unless the cytologist recommends repeating the smear more often or if you have had a hysterectomy.
You will receive an invitation by letter. However you need not wait for the invitation before making your appointment.
Recall for smear tests and results is done centrally by the national system. It can take up to six weeks for results to be issued to patients. Please bear this in mind if you haven’t had your result as quickly as you might have hoped for.
Antenatal and Maternity Care
An antenatal clinic is held on Friday afternoons. This is run by the midwives from the maternity department at Forth Valley Royal Hospital & Fife.
The team that looks after Forth Valley patients is known as the ‘Cherry Team’.
Child Health
Childhood Vaccinations
It is important that your child is fully immunised against all childhood diseases. Recall of children for immunisation are routinely done by the health visiting team with vaccinations administered by the practice nurses. Development checks will be made by the health visitors. Those who are overdue may be sent reminders.
Health Checks
During a routine health check the nurses will monitor your blood pressure, test your urine, measure your height and weight and give general lifestyle advice. If you are over 45 and haven’t consulted with a medical professional in the last 3 years, we recommend that you make a health check appointment. For those patients over 75 years, we recommend an annual appointment.