Appointments System
You may consult with any of the clinicians available by appointment only. Appointments can be made by phone or in person at reception. You will be offered the earliest appointment available or at a time suitable for you when there are available appointments.
If you wish to consult with one particular doctor or nurse you may have to wait slightly longer for an appointment. We would ask that you give about 7 days notice for a routine appointment.
Should you feel that you are unable to wait for the next routine appointment please advise the receptionist of this when you call. Please contact the surgery as soon as possible after 08:30 if this is the case.
It is not advisable to simply ‘drop in’ to the surgery and ask to be seen. We may not have a doctor available and you may have quite a considerable wait. If you have an urgent request to see a doctor, please telephone for an appointment first.

Near Me - Video Consultations
If you have an appointment arranged with one of our clinicians for a video consultation please use the link below to join our online waiting room at your allocated appointment time.
This link should only be used if you have spoken with someone at the practice and been allocated an appointment time.
Near Me - Video Consultation
Please use the following browsers to access Near Me:
- (Windows, Android, MacOS) Use the Google Chrome web browser
- (MacOS, iOS) Use the Safari web browser
If you are using Near Me on behalf of your child then please use their name as the patient details.
Practice Nurses
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor.
Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many conditions and you may be seen more quickly.
Receptionists ask for reasons for appointments because:
Our Practice has started a Signposting/Care Navigation initiative to ensure you see the right person for the problem you have. The GPs have asked the Admin Team to ask you for an indication of why you need an appointment. It is important to provide this information to make sure you see the most appropriate person.
Our Admin Team are bound by confidentiality in the same way clinicians are. Please help us to help you by giving the Admin Team the information the GPs have requested.
Chaperone and Patient Advocates
You can have a relative or friend to attend an appointment with you. The Forth Valley Patient Advocacy Service is also available to act on your behalf. They can be contacted on 01324 574311. It is practice policy to offer a chaperone. Please do not be offended should we do so. The decision to have a chaperone present is entirely yours and you may request one at any time.
The language spoken by all members of the practice team is English. We can arrange interpreter services for patients whose do not speak or have limited English language skills. We can also arrange for sign language interpreters for those with speech difficulties. If you wish to make use of any of these services please let a member of the team know in advance and we can arrange for the interpreters to be available at your appointment.
Home Visits
Whilst we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the proper equipment and facilities available, we do appreciate this is not always possible. In this respect, if you do need a home visit, you can help us by calling reception before 11:00.
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule house calls
You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.
Medical Students
Clackmannan and Kincardine Medical practice is accredited by the Tayside Centre for General Practice and, as such, benefits from the attachment of 5th Year (Final Year) Medical Students from the University of Dundee, and on occasion from further afield, gaining an introduction to general practice as part of their degree course.
If at any time you do not wish a medical student to be present during a particular consultation the doctor would of course respect your wishes.
We also have nursing and health visiting students attached to the Community staff within the practice.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment; this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted. Persistent defaulters may be removed from the list.
You can also complete our appointment cancellation notification request form. This can only be used if your appointment has been arranged for more than 24 hours in advance (excluding weekends and public holidays). You can also text to cancel your appointment.
Patient Hospital Appointment Line
If you would like to enquire about a hospital appointment at Forth Valley Royal Hopsital please telephone 01324 566249 or email
You can also cancel, rearrange or reschedule a hospital appointment via this link
Opening Times
Fife Podiatry Referrals
Kincardine patients can self refer to podiatry services. To so so follow this link
If patients are unable to self refer then please contact the practice and the GP can arrange a referal.