Carers Support
Are You a Carer?
A carer is someone who helps a family member, friend, neighbour with day to day living activities.
There is no "job description or minimum requirements" for being a carer and the level of care given varies and depends on the needs to the person receiving the care and what the person providing the care can do.
It can be helping with shopping, cooking or just popping in to make sure everything is okay to having someone completely dependent on you for all their needs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and everything else inbetween.
Being a carer can last for a few weeks while someone is recuperating from an operation or illness to long-term caring for someone with an ongoing condition.

Helping someone you care for can be a rewarding experience but it can at times be stressful, mentally and physically exhausting and sometimes isolating.
The doctors, nurses and support staff are committed to supporting carers in the vital role that they undertake.
If you are currently a carer or undertake a carers role please let us know and let us help you access the services available to support you.
You can register as a carer using the online form below.
Register a Carer
Carers UK/Scotland
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
Telephone: 0141 445 3070
Website: www.carersuk/Scotland
Your Local Carers Office Details
Carers Centre, Alloa Office, Ludgate House, Mar Place, Alloa, FK10 2AD.
Tel: 01259 226839
Information from the Princess Royal Trust for Carers
The Princess Royal Trust Carers Centre is dedicated to the provision of information and support to carers and former carers in the Falkirk and Clackmannanshire areas.
Information is given over the telephone, by appointment, at the Alloa office or on a home visit with help to support carers. For example benefits, grants and funding, short breaks and holidays and community care services.
- We offer support and activities for young carers
- A regular newsletter covering issues of interest to carers
- A carers welcome pack
- A carers befriending service and telephone befriending service
- Volunteering opportunites
- An opportunity to have a say in the development of services for carers
- Contact with other carers through regular group meetings, activities, training and social events